This is a team "hike-and-shoot" rifle match for long-range rifle, semi-auto "carbine," and pistols. It will test
a 2-man team's ability to locate, range, and engage practical targetry spread in
the terrain using both weapons systems. Some of the skills involved
include target recognition, ranging, wind doping, ballistic data
management, marksmanship under field conditions, non-standard shooting
positions, rudimentary trail skills. You can think of the Team Safari as a Team version of
the Steel Safari
This match is much easier physically than the TBTC and
is more on-par with the Steel Safari.
OFFICIAL Targetry Systems - AA Targets

- 3-day match
- 2-man teams
- 25 total stages (nominal) spread over 3 field courses
- approx 4 additional assault type stages for pistol and carbine (0-500 yards)
- One night stage (Friday night)
- "Steel Safari" RO format: Teams will RO the team behind them on the course
- ALL TEAMS MUST BRING A RELIABLE STOPWATCH - RECOMMEND a cheap Casio digital watch, or other digital watch, to be worn by one member
- movement between stations during each field course will not be timed;
- Rugged desert terrain with natural hazards
- Locate, range, and engage targets under strict time constraints
- Local altitude of 4000'
- Competitors will carry all gear used during the courses of fire
- Carbine targets: 100 to about 500 yards
- Rifle targets: generally 150-800 yards
- Pistol targets: 0-50 yards
- Unknown, various, and non-standard target sizes
- Almost all targetry will be reactive armor steel plate
- T-shirts will be available for a reasonable price prior to the event
- Minimum recommended round counts, 180 rifle, 120 carbine, 100 pistol per member. It is suggested to bring 2-3x more carbine and pistol due to shots permitted rounds for possible re-engagements.
See rules for full equipment specifications.