Posted By: Zak Smith on September 7, 2015
Here are some quick and dirty stats from the top 5 teams,
#1 – 36 miles
#2 – 48 miles
#3 – 34 miles
#4 – 31 miles
#5 – 28 miles
This is approximate due to errors inherent in the SPOT tracking systems, but it gives an idea of the overall mileage.
Posted By: Zak Smith on September 6, 2015
Congratulations to all competitors who attempted the 2015 Sniper Adventure Challenge. Just showing up to the SAC shows an exceptional level of commitment. Finishing the SAC is a significant accomplishment and demonstrates a level of skill, wits, and fitness that very few people on the planet strive to, let alone achieve. The top 3 places were separated by less than 150 points over about 4400 points.
1. Frantz Day (Official “Finish”)
2. Murphy Daniel (Official “Finish”)
3. Wilson Haizlip (Official “Finish”)
4. Williams Hom
5. Bear Angelos
Our goal is to create and run the best events. Please email us with feedback on how you think we can make our future events better.
Thanks to the landowners, Travis and Darrin. They own this awesome venue and are kind enough to let us run events here.
Thanks to the main staff, Jimmy, Casey. These guys take on responsibility for major parts of match setup and operations.
Thanks to the RO’s: Scot Hill, Rocky, Ned, Scott T., Garrett, Summer, Joe, Mike, Fred, Alex, Shawn, Stewart, Chris, Aaron, Clay, Stan, Josh, Bill Alexander, and James. Special thanks to Scot for bringing a crew of 6 and doing a fantastic job on Comms. Having you up on the mountain allowed us to contact competitors virtually everywhere on the course. Great job everyone. Without RO’s these events can’t happen.
Thanks to the medical staff: Dr. Bruce, Kyle, and Dr. Keith. The SAC could not happen without having you on-hand ready to handle medical issues. You do a great job.
US Optics (Josh) and Alexander Arms (Bill and James) brought you the pick-up gun stage (P1-4). Big thanks to them for coming out and bringing equipment and ammo for us to shoot!
Thanks to ZEV Technologies for some of the airsoft equipment we used on the rescue stage.
Thanks to our sponsors- Thunder Beast Arms Corporation, AA Targets, Daniel Defense, US Optics, Burris, Direct Action, Hornady, Magpul, Armageddon Gear, Mike High Shooting, Point Blank, Lapua, AttackPak, Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, Sierra Bullets, Surefire, The Tactical Medic, Viking Tactics, Warrior Kit, and ZEV Technologies. Please let them know you appreciate their support.
Special thanks to the Douglas Sheriff’s Office for releasing Team 25 without too much hassle.
Also, thanks to the local volunteer fire department for their quick reaction and service.
We will follow up with some SPOT analysis data within the next week.
Posted By: Zak Smith on September 1, 2015
We will have live tracking of teams during the SAC. Here is the link: 2015 SAC LIVE MAP
Teams will muster at 8:30 AM on Friday and that’s when you’ll see points start to appear.
Posted By: Zak Smith on August 30, 2015
As a reminder, there is no competitor camping/lodging on-site for the SAC.
If you choose to sleep while “on the clock” on Friday night, you may, of course, sleep where-ever you want to on the course, that is safe. In addition, if you are too exhausted on Saturday night to go anywhere, you are welcome to sleep. However, there is no “proper camping” on site for competitors.
Posted By: Zak Smith on August 30, 2015
Here are some last-minute notes for SAC competitors:
1. You need to have tested your water purification devices and processes before you show up. A significant portion of “available water” on this course will be from natural sources. Think “expedition style” as opposed to water tanks everywhere. There is a lot of natural water on the course and you will need to be able to use it.
2. There is no place to check zero or sight in once on site. Show up ready to shoot for score.
3. Check-in will be available 4-7pm THURSDAY and 7:30 – 8:00 AM FRIDAY. Check-in is required prior to 8:00 AM FRIDAY if you want to race. All competitors and guests on-site must sign waivers and get a wrist band.
4. At check-in, you will get a race packet that outlines the procedures
5. Muster at 8:00 AM Friday, ready to race. (All firearms to be “cold.”)
6. The parking location will be at 646 Wagon Hound Rd, Douglas Wy. Park on the south side of Wagon Hound Rd right across from the Wills Ranch sign (it says “Travis & Brayden”), on the E and W side of the driveway. Once the event begins you will not be permitted access to your vehicles until you finish or quit.
7. For check-in on Thursday ONLY, you may drive up to the check-in area. It is the yard surrounded by the houses and barns. 461220 4721283 If you are checking in on Friday 0730-0800, you must park off the road as detailed in the prior point.
8. Remember, you will need to bring a check or cash for $130 (exact change please) for your radio deposit. This will be returned when you turn in your (working) radio.
9. No team will be allowed to start the event without a SPOT registered with us and functioning in TRACK mode.
10. On Friday, turn on your SPOT trackers and activate TRACK mode at 7:30 AM. This will give us plenty of time to get a few points from all teams’ SPOTS to ensure everyone is tracking.
11. In a few days, we will post the public SPOT TRACKER URL. This is the live map your fans at home can watch. No points will be displayed with timestamps before Friday at 0700.
12. We will have match T-shirts available for $15 cash (please bring exact change) at check-in, first come first serve on available sizes. (We also have some older CD shirts available.)
13. There will be a bonfire* and social gathering at the check-in location after the race concludes on Saturday night. All are welcome, bring your own comestibles. (* fire conditions permitting)
15. The core staff will be heading up to Douglas Monday or Tuesday. Once we are on-site, communications are very difficult. I will check my email and voicemail about twice a day and do my best to get back to you.
16. SPOT issues will be VERY difficult to resolve once on-site. PLEASE MAKE SURE WE HAVE YOUR TEAM ONLINE. THE FOLLOWING TEAMS ARE NOT TRACKING YET: #3272 Jones Pruitt; #8413 Younts Moore; #2804 Hasser Brinkmeyer; #1732 Switzer Primiano; #1067 Castell Vermeulen
Posted By: Zak Smith on August 25, 2015
Doc Bruce sent us this short guide on fluids, electrolytes, calories as it relates to the SAC:
Here is a basic primer on how to stay out of trouble. If you get behind on fluids, electrolytes, or calories during a very long term strenuous activity, especially in hot weather, you will get nauseated and weak, lose hunger and thirst drivem and it will be very difficult to get out of the hole. You may have to go sit under a tree for 2 or 3 hours, trying to make up your deficits. You won’t want to be out of action for that long. Also, depending on weather conditions and just how sick you feel, you may not be able to recover enough to continue. Happens every year at this event.
You need a plan. Any plan is better than no plan.
1) Drink at least a few sips every 15 to 20 mins. Keep ahead of the curve. Drinking about 1/2 straight water and 1/2 some sort of electrolyte solution (Gatorade, Powerade, etc), seems to work for most people. You must drink BEFORE you feel thirst to stay ahead.
2) You will probably benefit from taking electrolyte caps or simple salt tabs every 2 hours or so. IF you present enough electrolytes and fluids to your kidneys, they will take what they need and piss out the excess. If they don’t have enough to work with, Mr. Nausea comes on board. For the first 8 to 10 hours, a goal of peeing every hour or 2 is good, but don’t worry if you can’t keep up that frequency as you get further into the event. You WILL get a bit behind at times, but should be able to catch up, IF you keep in mind your plan. Remind each other.
3) Eat BEFORE you feel hungry. When you get hypoglycemia, the nausea, poor appetite and weakness, make it hard to eat. Also, hypoglycemia makes us stupid and hard to remember our plan. You all have your preferred trail food, the trick is to actually consume enough of it. Energy gels can’t really sustain your for long periods alone, BUT can be extremely helpful in getting out of a minor hole, so you can feel well enough to get real food in. The gels can actually reverse hypoglycemia in literally 2 to 5 minutes. Cliff shot blocks are very convenient and less messy than gels.
4) If and WHEN the med support team gets a call about somebody who feels like crap, nauseated, weak, dizzy, rapid pulse, we will assess you and probably give some IV fluid, stuff some energy gel in your face. In 15 or 20 mins you will feel like continuing on. We will pat you on the butt, give you a stern warning about following your plan better, and send you on the way. The majority of people we treat are able to continue.
5) The above are the basics for those who need them. Over the years of doing Med support for this event, we have noticed that the experienced teams never get into trouble. Also, we have noticed that one highly skilled and experienced adventure racers team NEVER looks physically stressed. We won’t name names on this one.
Posted By: Zak Smith on August 11, 2015
Like last year, we are going to use live SPOT tracking of competitors during the Sniper Adventure Challenge for safety, logistics, and spectators.
In order for this to work, we need a link to each team’s “Shared Page” from the SPOT site. Here are the instructions:
Note: only send us the URL after the SPOT has been on and the footprint button/light flashing for 1-2 hours
For example:
TEAM: Smith / Sanchez
These steps will allow us to get everyone’s SPOTs into our tracking system and tested prior to the event so we don’t have last minute technical difficulties.
SPOT II/Gen2 or SPOT III/Gen3 recommended. You need to be able to activate “TRACK MODE” via a button on the device (the “Footprint” icon). Other models may not work well or be compatible with our tracking system. A SPOT that requires another device (such as a phone for bluetooth) is NOT RECOMMENDED. NOT RECOMMENDED: SPOT Trace, SPOT Global Phone, SPOT Connect, SPOT HUG.
Posted By: Zak Smith on April 27, 2015
This is a post for potential 2015 SAC competitors and current SAC registrants.
The current number of SAC registrations is not great and we would appreciate it if you would register early and not wait until later in the year. By doing this we get a much better idea of how much creativity we can put into the event based on the number of teams.
We love the SAC and work on it essentially year round. It takes more planning, staffing, and logistical support than our other events. We know that for you SAC regulars the SAC is not an event, it’s a lifestyle. We view it the same way and want to continue to offer it, but won’t be able to without adequate registrations. We need another half dozen entries for the 2015 event to be a “go.”
As a result, we would appreciate it if you could do two things:
1) register now if you are planning on doing the 2015 SAC;
2) get another team to register ASAP.
Good luck with your 2015 SAC preparations,
Jeff and Zak