Here are some last minute updates for Thunder Beast Team Challenge competitors:
1. Check-in and the zero-check range will be open from 1:00 PM until 5:00 PM Thursday. During this time (and this time only), you may check zero. You can set your own paper out at approx 100 yards (we will not have target stands – bring them if you need your own). There may be a few steel targets available to shoot with rifle. Please do not show up early.
2. The Check-in location will be at the Wills Ranch, at 646 Wagon Hound Road. If you take Esterbrook south along the west side of I-25, you will eventually pass a small electrical substation on the right hand side. 200 yards after this is the right turn onto Wagon Hound Road. Follow this until you see a sign on the right that says “Wills Ranch – Travis, Brayden.” Turn left here onto his driveway and follow it into the ranch/barn area.
3. The sight-in/zero-check range will be at the “virtual address” 440 Wagon Hound Rd. You will pass this on the way to the check-in location (646). YOU MUST CHECK IN BEFORE PROCEEDING TO THE ZERO CHECK RANGE.
4. You must be checked in by 5:00 PM Thursday. The shooters meeting will start immediately at 5:00 PM at the Wills Ranch check-in area. It is mandatory. It shouldn’t take longer than about a half hour, not counting questions.
5. Like last year, there will be a tech inspection during check-in. This will include a check of mechanical safeties and a drop test of approx one foot (vertical rifle onto butt pad), and basic safeties check for pistols.
6. Just to recap, the TBTC will have 3 FIELD STAGES (hour long, rifle + carbine). Right now we are planning on at least 6 ASSAULT stages (timed, 2 carbines + 2 pistols); and 2 NIGHT STAGES (we provide all illumination).
7. The “minimum” round count for RIFLE is approx 110. Carbines (combined) 200; however, that is assuming you hit everything first round with carbine, which is pretty unlikely. Multiply that accordingly. Minimum for pistol will be about 30 per each but add the same multiplier for misses.
8. You will receive a briefing packet at check-in that contains full information about scoring, schedule, etc.
9. Most of the match staff will be traveling to Douglas early this coming weekend, so communications the week of the match will be sporadic. We will get back to you in the evenings if possible.
10. Over the course of a day, you will need to walk several miles. You will have to walk up to a half mile to get to the start of each field course. Each field course is approx 0.75 – 1.5 miles in length. Then you will have to walk from the end of the field course back to your vehicle. Most of the afternoon assault stages are pretty close to the road.
If you have any questions, please get them to me ASAP, as my communications will be severely limited starting Tuesday afternoon.