Posted By: Zak Smith on October 5, 2020

At the present time, NM guidelines, dictums, orders, etc, permit outdoor activities provided that participants maintain “social distancing” of 6 feet, and we do not congregate in groups larger than 10 people. Thus, the Team Safari will proceed with just a few changes vs. normal.

These changes will not affect the “Spirit of the match” or the shooting challenges, it will mostly be administrative and lessening the amount of interaction between competitors and competitors/staff.

We will be having a MANDATORY ONLINE BRIEFING FOR NEW TEAM SAFARI SHOOTERS – that is, everyone who has NOT SHOT THE TEAM SAFARI BEFORE MUST ATTEND – this Friday Oct 9th at 6:00PM MTN time on GoToMeeting, OR– we have an additional one on Saturday Oct 10th at 6:00PM MTN if you can’t make the first one. The link will be sent out in a separate email.

We will be re-using the Steel Safari ONLINE verbal briefing because it is 98% the same as the Team Safari briefing. We will go over the differences in the online briefings for new shooters.

Match Format Adjustments: We are consolidating the four assault stages in to either 2 long ones, or 2 long ones and 1 standards.

Here are some of the most important things to know NOW:


2. We will have a temperature-check station on-site on Thursday. People with Temperatures higher than specified by our consulting medical personnel will not be able to compete and will have to leave.

3. It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED that you take your temperature and monitor your health closely leading up to your departure for SS. It would suck to drive the whole way only to show up with symptoms.

4. Everyone on-site will be required to maintain SOCIAL DISTANCING of 6 feet at all times. This is for safety and to prevent us from being shut down in case the guidelines in NM are not relaxed and L.E. stops by. The 6′ rule will be enforced at all times with the exception of people who have traveled together the whole trip, and those people are to not have close contact with others.

5. Check-in will be mostly “virtual” or electronic with minimal interaction on-site. We will provide the waivers for you to complete and deposit on-site.

6. We will not have a regular SHOOTERS MEETING– it will be VIRTUAL. Prior to the SS, Jimmy and I will put together the Match Briefing Packet and a video and/or audio recording of the normal briefing and send these out via email. It will be your responsibility to understand this material. Present questions BEFORE THE MATCH via PHONE or EMAIL. This way we can eliminate more on-site 1:1 interaction.

7. Please limit groupings to 10 people or less at all times to comply with NM orders.


Registration is now kind of a mess, with everything on hold, checks not cashed immediately due to potential cancellation, etc. Please bear with us to get this straightened out. Here is the current status”

1. Those who currently have a CONFIRMED/PAID status are good to go.

2. Those who have sent funds but have not yet been marked PAID please check with me ASAP to make sure we have not received your funds.

3. At this point, please bring cash if you haven’t paid yet.

4. WE WILL NOT BE DOING ANY ON-SITE REGISTRATIONS. So register online if you want to come.

5. The last day we can receive and log-in payments before we head to the SS site is Friday Oct 9. Let’s get payments squared away ASAP, it’ll make it easier for everyone in the long term.

We are also looking for a couple more “Course Starters”–please contact Jimmy or I if you’re interested. You can’t be a “course starter” and a competitor, though you’ll have plenty of time to shoot for fun on-site as a staff member.