Posted By: Zak Smith on September 8, 2014

Here is the 2014 SAC SPOT MAP. This map contains the SPOT tracking data from all teams during the event. It will be kept online for perusal and analysis.

In addition, we’ve done some analysis on the SPOT data. Keep in mind this analysis is ONLY from the SPOT data itself, so gaps in the reported data will create data that might not match physical reality (for example, if a SPOT tracker got turned off, or a team abandoned the race and went to town before race end).


23 Fuller Steinbach            2014-09-06      14:07    31.08 total miles in  29.6 hours   1.05 mph
19 Switzer Wilson              2014-09-06      16:16    24.26 total miles in  31.8 hours   0.76 mph
9 Urick Urick                  2014-09-06      12:51    30.26 total miles in  28.4 hours   1.07 mph
3 McRaeMcRae                   2014-09-06      12:44    25.94 total miles in  28.2 hours   0.92 mph
6 Murphy Daniel                2014-09-06      11:15    32.96 total miles in  26.8 hours   1.23 mph
22 ZumMallen Standridge        2014-09-06      15:52    28.49 total miles in  31.4 hours   0.91 mph
7 Shay DiRezza                 2014-09-06      17:04    24.13 total miles in  32.6 hours   0.74 mph
26 Serna Music                 2014-09-06      06:30    20.22 total miles in  22.0 hours   0.92 mph
14 Brink Herd                  2014-09-06      17:15    24.13 total miles in  32.8 hours   0.74 mph
29 Locke Trout                 2014-09-06      16:52    27.99 total miles in  32.4 hours   0.86 mph
8 Worthy Stowers               2014-09-06      16:47    22.82 total miles in  32.3 hours   0.71 mph
31 Robinson Ashley             2014-09-06      17:04    26.76 total miles in  32.6 hours   0.82 mph
21 Neumayer Wu                 2014-09-06      20:37    26.42 total miles in  36.1 hours   0.73 mph


17 McRae McRae                 2014-09-06      01:40    18.42 total miles in  17.2 hours   1.07 mph
2 Anderson Wilson              2014-09-06      15:26    26.13 total miles in  30.9 hours   0.84 mph
25 Cochran Stolz               2014-09-06      20:03    28.50 total miles in  35.5 hours   0.80 mph
1 Mathews Mathews              2014-09-06      20:20    28.32 total miles in  35.8 hours   0.79 mph
15 Thornton Garfield           2014-09-06      11:57    23.04 total miles in  27.4 hours   0.84 mph
12 Metzger Collins             2014-09-06      12:11    22.37 total miles in  27.7 hours   0.81 mph
5 Hillbo Caspers               2014-09-06      06:15    20.41 total miles in  21.8 hours   0.94 mph
10 Kunze Valencia              2014-09-06      06:03    18.70 total miles in  21.6 hours   0.87 mph
24 Chacon Morris               2014-09-06      00:43    15.16 total miles in  16.2 hours   0.93 mph
28 Maley Turnbow               2014-09-06      09:49    12.31 total miles in  25.3 hours   0.49 mph
11 Walcik Rogers               2014-09-05      22:08    12.75 total miles in  13.6 hours   0.94 mph
16 Perez Martinez              2014-09-06      18:07    21.71 total miles in  33.6 hours   0.65 mph
20 Asplin Olson                2014-09-05      20:55    12.77 total miles in  12.4 hours   1.03 mph
18 Gorman Arntsen              2014-09-05      22:35    10.28 total miles in  14.1 hours   0.73 mph
27 Reinhardt Bennion           2014-09-06      04:46    14.50 total miles in  20.3 hours   0.72 mph
4 Middleton Weston             2014-09-05      18:15    10.56 total miles in   9.8 hours   1.08 mph
13 Cain Cain                   2014-09-05      20:44    12.03 total miles in  12.2 hours   0.98 mph


51 Braden Bimber               2014-09-05      22:27    14.42 total miles in  13.9 hours   1.03 mph
52 Yanaga Gregory              2014-09-05      21:20     8.89 total miles in  12.8 hours   0.69 mph
53 Quinlan Swerczek            2014-09-05      22:40    10.42 total miles in  14.2 hours   0.74 mph